Kayden Shyam-Raj is a pure breed Valarian and Chief of the First Guard at the Coven of Alaska. He and his men were all set to meet up with a paying client in Kansas City. But what Kayden and his men failed to prepare for was the set up they got instead.
Mira Croisseux has come to terms with her duty to save mankind from an approaching darkness. And it is only through her death, as a willing sacrifice to the Gods, that she will do this. But on a cold rainy night she gets ripped from her bedroom by a sexy, naked Scar-face-cat-man.
Now the two are stuck with each other and eventually they will have to learn to work together to see the situation through. But they soon realize they are apart of something bigger and as the truth unfolds, how or do you save someone who is ready to die?
This Book is Part of a Series "Into the Dark"
All Books in this Series:
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