Earth's Elements

Earth's Elements
Lillenette falls in love with Darien, and she never thought her life could get any better. then darien dies, and Lillenette is accused of killing him, and she is put into a home with nine other people, and strange things start to happen, and Lillenette soons starts to uncover the reall reason she was put into Lukris Home, and also about why everyone else that is their, and what they all are.....

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Hi, ! I would like to invite you to join my platform. Can I DM you through your s0c1al M3d14, so I can explain it more in detail? Thank You

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The nicknames gave me cancer, seriously what the actual fuck.

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Do all of your books not really end? So far the two I have read have left me disappointed.

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the math of fantasy

Please revise before continuing and please correct when it says that Darien said blah blah but he wasn't even there.....please revise before continuing.

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the math of fantasy

Such bad spelling is not basically keep saying " the ball is know" where it is " the ball is now"

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Gwinevere Keethley

I think that you mean stared when you type starred. Just a little tip. Amazing book and keep writing!!*v*

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Deleted User

This is such an amazing book!!! Its so descriptive, and full of emoition. At a few points in here in was tearing up. Please write more soon.

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