living with my sister in law

romance By:
User: miranda21
living with my sister in law
my dad decided to get remarried and my stepmom has a daughter that is a total dork they are moving to england and she has to move in with me

romance, fights, love, partys, sex
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was not what i was thinkin

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nice book i love your cover NINA DOBREV shes soo cool and pretty on the VAMPIRE DIARIES!!!!!!!! ;)

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Wait, I haven't read it yet but I'm about to.. I just had to say if his dad was getting merried to another woman, and her daughter was moving in with him, wouldn't that make it, 'Living With My Stepsister'? Just wondering..

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yeah... sister in law is when you marry someone and their sister would be your sister in law.

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it was really good but you should finish it. P.S. i liked the picture

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