Un Human

Defeating the Darkness By:
User: mayalex
Un Human
Somewhere hidden on earth are the Mytivus islands, home to people not so human. Seth, a young 13 year old homeless boy, is welcomed in to his odd new school where his life starts to change and he finds out who he truly is...

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I have written much more of this book.. i promise to type it up on a computer when I have free time (>_

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I haven't finished it yet but I desided to put it up on Bookrix as I am typing it up for Maddie and Kim :)

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Deleted User

I bees youre Beta reeder now! Yays! I is looxsings forrrwards to warking wit yoh!

Yor bestest frend, Maddie.

(LOL, the above spelling and grammar is a joke. I'm not really an idiot. XD)

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