Good job. I enjoyed what I read very much. You have a fine future ahead of you as a writer. I am halfway through and will finish the rest tomorrow. You have my vote.
Thank you for the vote, I appreciate it! I've actually just recently discovered this site, but I'll be sure to bring you more stories! And I'm a big fan of Star trek too :) part of my inspiration for this... mostly it was SOPA though! :) Thank you again!
Review - I was excited to read a story based in space since I'm an old Trekkie. But what got me about this story was the way it was written. Quick, light, just enough info to keep me reading. You did a great job of developing your lead lady. Loved the diatribe on SOPA. Overall, a nice, entertaining story. Where have you been hiding, you are a good writer. Great Job. Have my vote. Robynn