Sunset Blush

User: melmmhs94
Sunset Blush
When a young girl is attacked and close to death, he knows he has to act. When she awakens, though, she is far more beautiful then he had ever anticipated. He finds himself drawn to her, but hides his feelings by being distant and unfeeling and uses his new position as mentor to give him reason to be these things.
She is baffled by his own beauty and the wonders of her new life and finds herself falling for him, but he ignores her and is never very warm. How can she possibly fall in love with a male shrew? But, she is given the chance to prove her love when a new stranger walks into their lives and wants him for herself. Now, the two females must fight to the death and whoever wins will get the snow-haired,black-eyed boy...if he'll accept her.
Will these two be able to tell the other of their love? or will the new female rip them apart forever?

vampire, love, trust, rivalry
Posts and Comments
Important Post

By any chance are you going to finish this story


Hi! thank you for commenting and reading this story!
Honestly, I'm not very sure about this one. I might save it in my folder and see if I can revamp it but that's not gonna be for a long time as I have much more pressing projects to complete first. But thank you so much for asking.

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Vapricorn 83

Great into, but wish it was a full story, so I could read the battle between the women for the man! Great read though!

1 Comment

yeah, i lost inspiration for this one. im not sure if im going to keep it and just reVAMP it, or get rid of it. but thanks for reading it anyway, and im glad you enjoyed it!

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Duron Crejaro

I would read it, but I only read books that are set to downloadable =/

1 Comment

Why is that? i personally try not to set my books to download because i think that gives the downloader a number of chances to steal the book, and im really protective of my books so i just prefer to not take any chances.

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Twas amazin :)


thanks, but do you have any construtive critism for me?

Deleted User

You shood write the books on paper first so when you finish you can make a preview that is spot on and makes people want more and you can also check for grammer mistakes. Then you don't give more of the story away when your not finished with it so people don't keep on bothering you about it.


that IS what i do, actually. for the most part. btu thanks for the suggestion!

Deleted User

Yup k it is a great book. :D

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Deleted User


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Please write moore :D I fell inlove with the intro :3

1 Comment

i'll certainly try. i havent written this one in so long. life got in the way, and ive been working on two books that im honestly more attracted to. but once the big ones are done (Dragon Series, Kvistr, Wizarding War, Delilah and Riley, Raven and Chihrio and Haku), then I'll... Show more

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Great intro! Can't wait for more! Your books are awesome!


im glad you like it! I was starting to lose hope in this book. Might hold on to it. Focusing on finishing dragon girl first since its closest to completion, and because i plan on opening it up for selling. This one and many others are being pushed to the backburner for now.


I love dragon girl, so I don't mind the wait...let me know when its ready...I would like to purchase it! I'm actually following several of your books...just can't get enough! Big Big fan!!!

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