play (part 6)

play (part 6)
The sixth in a series of sexual encounters that a young man experiences with various young ladies of his acquaintance, against a background of family difficulties.

This Book is Part of a Series "Columbine"
All Books in this Series:
play (part 1)
play (part 2)
play (part 3)
play (part 4)
play (part 5)
play (part 6)
Posts and Comments
Important Post
Deleted User

That was unexpected. When I left this page and returned moments later I found the story was complete. The only difference I can ascertain is my method of approach. When I fist visited I clicked on #6 in the list of parts of the series above. Then the book was not complete but instead was blank. When I came back to this book from your profile I found it was complete. Highly unusual. Anyway, well done. I enjoyed the series.

Important Post
Deleted User

MORE, MORE, MORE. Mostly about Carolyn and this guy. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.

1 Comment
Deleted User

Oh yes, you must complete the work. You are a talented writer and your fans await your whim. I've really enjoyed the tale to this point.

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