The Flaming Arrow with the Emerald Green Eyes

User: bluemask
The Flaming Arrow with the Emerald Green Eyes
Pete Taylord is a fierce, merciless pirate who regularly travels the seven seas to plunder merchant vessels. On one such occasions he discovers a young lady aboard a ship and can't seem to take his mind off her. Can this beauty with the emerald green eyes steal the heart of the notorious pirate of 'The Flaming Arrow'?

Adventure, Pirates
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the one who writes

Well written however try not to assosiate medieval things with modern things also check out my book.The Crimson sea

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As much as possible change the past perfect tense (had, have) to just the past tense. It's a little thing but it helps the reader flow through the story better.

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I like the book. I think you should continue writting and make it a novel.

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