Unraveling Mordecai

The Emerson Chronicles Book 5 By:
Unraveling Mordecai

So far Reese has battled vampires, crazy exes, jealous rivals, and problems within his own family. But his greatest test will come in the form of future fatherhood. Sarah is pregnant, and everyone's excited. They already have picked names for their little ones. Marina is also pregnant, with Alexander's babies. Then news comes along in the form of David, a young natural-born vampire who claims to be Mordecai's lost son. No one except Mordecai trusts him completely, as they've been fooled before. But this time it may be the truth. As they get to know David and deal with two pregnancies, Reese encounters another rival in the form of Jamie Williams, Sarah's favorite author, who goes on an all-expenses-paid date with her. Jamie, however, has secrets of his own, and so does Satira, Reese's long-lost grandmother who Marina cut off contact with. And then there's Kole-a beautiful new vampire fledgling whose creator has abandoned her. She finds Reese attractive, and a rivalry forms between her and Sarah. Scarlett also reappears, seeming to follow Reese around and try to make him like her. With all these new friends and enemies, who can Reese trust? 

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