Unraveling Mathias

Emerson Family Chronicles By:
Unraveling Mathias

Most of the danger has passed, or so they think. It's a new year, and Reese is planning Sarah's seventeenth birthday party on Valentine's Day. And he feels the need to find out who Mathias is. When he is kidnapped by the man himself, Reese is plummeted into danger once again, especially when he encounters Ambrose, a very old vampire who is a great enemy of the Emerson Clan and family. 

In addition, Reese seems to be getting worse with porphryrina. As family friend Ethan Potter tries to find a cure, Reese's mental and physical limits are tested. 


This Book is Part of a Series "Emerson Family Chronicles"
All Books in this Series:
Unraveling Sarah Cresley Rough Draft One
Nicolai Family Chronicles
Unraveling Mathias
Emerson Family Chronicles
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