you figure it out

This Book is Part of a Series "peirced"
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I actually agree with this comment. About the veiws changing rapidly. Maybe they should be italisize? But, you also do tell readers when veiws are changing, mostly. :D

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AH! I read all of your story, Peirced, and I LOVED IT! I was looking at the new, to bookrix or whatever and the name of your book caught my eye for some reason and I came to read it. I like how for your summary, you put: "You figure it out." xD Perfect, because you wouldn't want to give it away would you? You story had a great flow, and a very interesting storyline so far! I would really like to read more when you post more,... Show more

1 Comment

hey midknight

i actually totally forgot i had even written this at all. i wrote it almost two years ago as a rough draft of the first three chapters of a novel and then completely put it out of my mind after i posted it on this website. since you seemed to like it i think i might... Show more

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isn't that word awesome!
he he he
i think i am probably freaking you out

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* I really like the story, and I was just writing a book myself that is very similar to your theme. Some errors are made and it is a little confusing, but with some time and patience it will end up being great! Trust me I know, I read the books that I type and wonder why I didn't add more detail or a better story line, but when I fix it I feel much better. I know that you are going to be a great writer...
* Thanks for writing this,
* Caitlin

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From the start, this piece draws the reader in with heaps of action, good work.
There is a problem with the use of pronouns though: she and her, etc. If you can find a way of reducing these, it will help with the overall flow.

Good story.

Matt x

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"To be continued??" Where.??? This interesting. I would like to see the "continued."

Strange. just enough to get my attention. Again, Where can I read the next part??

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You've got imagination. Once you get rid of some of the spelling and grammatical errors, it will be perfect. Sometimes I was the story written in the first person or the third? I see a mix there.
Let me know when to have finished the rest.
Ps...I have a similar story almost done...I can e-mail it to you before I post it on this site.

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