Brites' Revenge

User: mimv1995
Brites' Revenge
Brites has survived a horrible witch mother, abusive father and boyfriend. Now, she's in peace and in a gang with her vampire boss as her lover.
Everything seamed fine until her abusive ex-boyfriend comes back and he's raping other girls. Now, Brites has to find him before he destroys other girls' lives. And she has to try not to fall for the hot detective who is helping her.

This Book is Part of a Series "Brites Series"
All Books in this Series:
Brites' Revenge
Dragon girl, Vampires, gang, hot men
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I wish you would update!!!!!

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i actually love this book and brites and caden are a wonderful,qute couple and please write some more.

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where is chap. 3

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i loved the book but chpt 3 is missing i hope u write more :D

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