Missing You

Secrets withdrawal (COMPLETED) By:
Missing You

(X-rated) Allyson and Jaden were hooked up by her brother. They met then fell in love but Jaden has a horrible secret for flying all the time and he tries desperately but not successfully to hide it.

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Shht, if you really like erotica, sex and a book to fire you up, and make you wet to the bone, then check it here:

My Free Kindle: Jennifer Foor- Letting Go (Mitchell Family #1) - (Mitchell Family #6) https://myfreekindle.blogspot.de/2017/09/jennifer-foor-letting-go-mitchell.html Download Jennifer Foor- Letting Go (Mitchell Family #1) and all mitchell family books and series Jennifer Foor - Folding Hearts (Mitchell Family #2) Jennifer Foor - Raging Love (A Mitchell Family #3) Jennifer Foor - Risking Fate (Mitchell Family#4) Jennifer Foor - Wrapping Up (Mitchell Family 4.5) Jennifer Foor - Wanting More (Mitchell Family #5) Jennifer Foor - Saving Us (Mitchell Family #6) . Savanna Tate has loved the same guy since she was 14yrs old. Now she and Tyler are in their second year of college. While Savanna is concentrating on maintaining her high grade point average and academic scholarship, Tyler is busy partying with his frat brothers and screwing around on his girlfriend behind her back. Savanna decides they need a break, just so she can focus and maybe change his mind about his priorities.
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Figured it out. Had to go to My Account Details and change Family Filter.


Hi, I'm new here. I wonder how can i read these books. It can't be opened. And i can't even find the family setting in this account.


Click the upper right inverted triangle button then click account details then click account settings then uncheck family setting..

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If it's not available why is it still listed? This is the second book that had the not available message.

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Sherry Campbell

I'm 43 and I think you all need to add a section asking for date of birth to confirm who's appropriate to read what.

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