The Happiness Project

User: midknight
The Happiness Project
My project is simple, I must find my happiness in myself. I can do that, but only if I realize my problems. I am going to write about it all and you can listen if you would like. Maybe you can start a happiness project of your own? Maybe you will learn about yourself and help me along the way. I don't care if you read this or not, my story still continues on and I need to save my sanity before it disappears.

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Review - "To the heroes who fight on and the villains who forgot they were heroes." Now that is a classy line. Gives one hope that people can and do change.

This piece was very philosophical in nature. Down to earth, a coffee-chat style, and well done. Not sure of your actual age, but you have an enormous amount of common sense sprinkled with normal teenage angst.

A few errors here and there, but over all a fascinating read.... Show more

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You have a very unique writing style... Very intriguing.

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Yes, definitely tell me when you update!

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And I like all different kinds of books!


It is great that you have so many interests! ;D

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