Merlin & Meli
The two of them met just before school let out for the summer. Trying hard to win her over, he finds that there is so much more to her than what he thought.

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Deleted User

I noticed in chapter one you jumped to the teacher mentioning the "reputation" of Meli, but also they left the room rather abruptly. Had to re read it twice to see if it was just me or a "break" in the flow.

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Thanks for waiting Merlin! I'm such a bad co-writer... bad... bad... no pat in the head for me. I know I took too long, but thanks for your patience anyway.

I had such a blast writing chapter 4 and I hope everyone enjoys it.

Thank you for the editing! XOXO

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Carol Wills

What collaboration, the writing is seamless and flows really well. Characters are well drawn and the hint of trouble with Meli’s sister is a good plot move.

Just one point to consider, Meli was off to see her sister at the end of chapter 2 and I would have liked a link to that point somewhere in chapter 3.

Great job guys, co-writing is hard but you two make it look easy.

Carol x

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Thank you so much for inviting me in such a wonderful journey which is to write this story. I just hope I can do it justice and that people will enjoy what our crazy minds conjure up. Thanks once again for the faith you have in me :) You're friendship is most valuable.

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LOL!! I like adorable...I'm sure Meli will too. We are just happy that we can produce a good story. There is still more to come...stay tuned!!

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Ok, I know this is the last thing you want to hear, what with the obvious issues going on in this book, but I couldn't help but be delighted and think "Adorable!" I know, go get the torches and pitchforks, I deserve it. But I still think its cool that you pulled that off...

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Thank you, Meli...I will have another addition soon. Keep reading!!!

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I just loved this book so much:) It seems like Meli should understand she has a secret crush. But I think it is very well written and it sounds like its going too be very good when you get it all finished because its terrififc now:) Great Job!!

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