i-i dont know why but i loved it to me it was fantastic and vary dark good job rockgirl :D
don't know if it's intentional but when i look at the words layout i saw the layout looked like a face. Anyhow thats my imagination and my heightened perception. I really thought these pieces of work were powerful. This is a torment i go through seeing through the blanketed cloth that is covered over us suffocating in it with no way of getting out. These pieces are a expression of your soul and you should keep writing as you... Show more
Still full of emotion,anger and hatred keep it up for this is who you are there is one thing i like to know do you write in red because of your emotion,hatred and anger or for because it's the the color of sin.i also like the way your words seem to jump out at you in a long line like a star wars intro you know kind of like 3d