This book is great! There are very few- probably only fifty out of a million- books on bookrix at the level of THIS book, which is MY opinion, and probably a few, or many, others.
Like I said before,
This Book Is Great!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried looking at other books, but yours is the best!
Although, I haven't finished reading your story I am intrigued to read more. It is very well written.
My only suggestion would be to increase the size of your print. Otherwise, you may lose a lot of readers, if they don't know how to magnify the page.
B ︀e ︀s ︀t ︀★ ︀S ︀e ︀x ︀❤️ ︀D ︀a ︀t ︀i ︀n ︀g, ︀o︀p︀e︀n ︀l︀i︀n︀k ︀>>>>>