A photographic journey

Oregon and Washington Coast By:
User: van907
A photographic journey
This is a collection of the many photographs that I have taken in Washington and Oregon. I hope that enjoy the journey!

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Very nice photography. It did also remind me of the Danish country side.
There is so much beauty in the nature.

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This story inspiring the photography was beautiful, I want more, I hav an idea you should Make a book for each state from Maine to Alaska and even Florida. But Anyway keep up the good work.

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This story inspiring the photography was beautiful, I want more, I hav an idea you should Make a book for each state from Maine to Alaska and even Florida. But Anyway keep up the good work.

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Serene, soul moving, beautiful, awe inspiring. I could find so many words in as many languages to describe the feelings evoked by that journey through space and time.

But for the sake of space and time let me summarize it as a 'Thank you for taking me on this wonderful walk with you Lisa, I hope we get to do it again sometime.'

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These are very special places in the United States that not many people know about. Your photos are gorgeous and I wish you well. Thanks so much for sharing.

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