Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru

User: lazarus67
Mizaru, Kikazaru and Iwazaru
Some...Don't see, don't hear and don't speak.

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Deleted User

Very honest and insightful, and dare I say brave. Some people will like this and some will not; and like the story says, most of us will keep our opinions to ourselves.


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Deleted User

Most of us just won't see, even if we stay in front of it, won't hear, even if we are spoken to directly, won't speak because of our cowardice.

My vote for you! :)

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And it was very touching. A master piece completed by a genius mad man ;)


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Loved your drabbles and I can't understand those people who always pass, thinking they don't have the time.One day they could be the one's asking for help. I always remember the saying, "There but for the grace of God go I.'

You have my vote.

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