Honest to goodnessyou need to update this book soon. You can't stop it there, this guy needs to suffer and hurt as much as he is hurting his wife. You don't do that to someone you claim to love. Please write something soon and update. I beg of you.
When Will This Book Be Updated Again Cause I Really Enjoyed It && Hated The Way It Stopped!?
@alaiyof; YOu and me both lol
and no its not finished I am just finding time to write more, I have added more!!!! since the last time
this comment was posted on August 27th and some more of the book was also posted on the same date!yayayayay read away lol thank you for all your wonderful comments, all are very much appericated
the end is far from where it stopped!(:
im sorryyy about that(: perhaps I can catch... Show more
Kinda cruel to leave it unresolved...