Love's Unexpected Journey-Completed

Love's Unexpected Journey-Completed
Lailani Grace Sunglao is not your typical Asian. She does not adhere to traditional Asian norms. She works as a therapist and is not searching for love. Except love finds her. On this journey she discovers truths about herself. Who she really is and who she wants to be. On her 30th birthday, she becomes of age and finds out that she is a descendant from an ancient line of warriors. Warriors who seek out and destroy vampires. Which path will she take? Is she going to destroy the one person who knows her, knows her soul just because he is a vampire?

Morgan Hawthorne is a 300 year old vampire who stumbles into Lailani's life unexpectedly and becomes enthralled by her. He can't understand what makes her so special. All that Morgan knows is that he is drawn to her. He falls hopelessly in love with her. Will he be able to win her heart? What of her new calling to destroy vampires?

This Book is Part of a Series "The Venus Guardians"
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Wow! Wow! Wow!

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Shht, if you really like erotica, sex and a book to fire you up, and make you wet to the bone, then check it here:
This story will make you tremble to the core!

My Free Kindle: A Little Harmless by Melissa Schroeder Download or read online for free Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless (Harmless Books) 1-8.Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless Pleasure (Harmless #2), Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Obsession (Harmless #3), Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Lie (Harmless #4), Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Addiction (Harmless #5),Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Submission (Harmless #6),Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless Fascination (Harmless #7), Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless Fantasy (Harmless #8)
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Hi,have read all your books .They are amazing you are a talented writer.Can't wait for you to finish taming the enemy.Lovely

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It was a nice book i love it so much!!! You are one of the good writers out there that i have know of. Keep it going !!@!!

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it was a nice book ,,,1 didn't get to complete it though ,u know how some books R rushed and some R slow well this is from the latter and 1 got bored. ;)

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I want to encourage you L.L. to write books. This was a very good and captivating whirlwind fantasy romance

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Wow such a beautiful story hope you continue with a series on these characters.

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