When a Southern Woman Rambles...

Tragic Tales of Beauty: Volume I. By:
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
No matter if you're a man or a woman - we've all experienced at least ONE moment when we've had a horrible beauty mishap. Mullets, bad perms, over plucked eyebrows, or maybe you looked in the mirror and thought 'Oh, Mother (Nature)! How did my butt wind up on my belly?!' Yes, we've all had our tragic tales of beauty so we can all relate to the Tragic Tales of Beauty brought to you from the comedic mind of Southern Belle, L. Avery Brown.

So, grab a tall glass of whatever you like and get ready to laugh at the various and truly tragic Tales of Beauty brought to you by a certified Southern Belle. (Because sometimes that's all we CAN do!)

"When a Southern Woman Rambles... it isn't 'rambling'. Every word has meaning, every raised eyebrow and pursed lip has a purpose, and all those smiles tell a story. What's more, a Southern woman can ramble on about ANYTHING!"

Get ready for a giggle.

This Book is Part of a Series "When a Southern Woman Rambles..."
All Books in this Series:
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Laughing at Life, One Mint Julep at a Time
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Tragic Tales of Beauty: Volume I.
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Tragic Tales of Beauty, Volume II
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
My Southern Fried Life
When a Southern Woman Rambles...
Laughing at Life One Mint Julep at a Time (Another Jigger of Julep)
Posts and Comments
Important Post

Honestly, being a card-carrying member of the "un-fairer" sex, I shouldn't have been able to really identify with bad perms, "Big Hair", and especially eyebrow plucking--why DO women actually tolerate such self-torture?--but I've gotta' admit, I laughed out loud as I read the advanced copy.

We've all been the kid in the back seat saving the now-flavorless wad of gum for its future use, stuffing it without a thought into the... Show more

1 Comment
L. Avery Brown

THANK YOU! What a beautiful review for my Tragic Tales of Beauty book! You do realize...I'm going to post it all over the place like a little kid who's been given a book of stickers, right? :o)

Honestly, I am so very glad you enjoyed it! I'm busy working on Volume II! One of the... Show more

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