My Sketch Book

My Sketch Book

A selection of my artwork, from 10-years-old to 14-years-old (present day).                                                                                                                                               

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Oh my goodness Kyrsten, you definitely have the artist's eye!! VERY impressive work - keep drawing!!

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Deleted User

Very nice. Great potential. Keep it up!

1 Comment

It is beyond her years. She has what it takes to be an artist and I mean every word of it. I used to draw too but never in such perfect details.At the Senior Center I go to, folks are drawing all kinds of pictures and they fill in every tiny detail in the ones they finalize.

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The third eye

Fantastic artwork! I wish that I could draw like that. You will go far with your art. Keep up the good work.

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Deleted User


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Very impressive, Kyrdle! You have a nice young imagination, and a natural ability to render the human form in caricature. Having a background in, and a love of, art, I always appreciate seeing promising work by our younger members:) Keep up the good work.

1 Comment
Little Miss

Thank you.

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Ashley Berrett

how old are you now?

Little Miss

Hi Ashley, I am 11 years old. I will be starting high school in September.

Ashley Berrett

highschool? or junior high?

Little Miss

In Britain we go to primary school from 5 years of age to 11 years. We then go to high school until we start work or go to college.

Ashley Berrett

wow... we start high school when we are 14 or 15

Little Miss

At what age do you leave high school?Where do you live as my physic powers tell me you are in America if I am right?

Important Post

Really great! Keep up the good work :)

Little Miss

Thank you, I have started to draw some more pictures. I will be putting them up soon.


Great - let me know when you do :)

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