Vampires have feelings

He says he can never love.. She doesn't believe him By:
User: kbggirl
Vampires have feelings
Vampires are people too. They have feelings.Try telling that to 18 year old Damien Jacobs. He thinks he's a monster who isn't capable of loving anyone else, or capable of being loved.
then into his life walks beautiful, sweet, and innocent Mary Ann. After finding out his secret, she's determined to prove to him that vampires have feelings.
as she tries to teach him the true meaning of love, she finds herself falling in love with him. but unless he can discover these three facts; 1. hes not a monster. 2. he is capable of loving. 3. he is capable of being loved, then Mary Ann will walk away from him forever, heartbroken and crying. And hes afraid to admit that he cares about her, and loves her.

then something happens, and Mary Ann dies. Damien is now dark, dangerous,and derpressed, for he thinks he's lost her forever. but miracles happen, and when Mary Ann was on Earth she was sweet, innocent, and Kind. the perfect traits to be an Angel, after death.

so when Mary Ann comes back to Damien as an angel, will he finally be able to admit he loves her, and she loves him,and theyll be together, vampire and angel? or has dying and come back ru9ined Mary ann's sweet personality, and turned her wicked? will they be together after all this, or will losing her have destroyed his soul forever?


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First off I love your poem the rhythm is well placed and fluid. Very nice. This comment is just some tips ive learned over the years so take them or leave them it.  So I noticed at the beginning of your chapters you point out the point of view you will be writing in, It is not necessary to do, the reader will pick up on it on their own. Except when you change the person’s P.O.V I would just call it by their name. but that’s... Show more

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chic i love it. but y does everybody make vamps emo? chic u best rite more soon

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i am working on it. i have school, so it takes me a while to type it. hope you enjoy!!

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