Wolf Princess

Wolf Princess
i cant tell you that would be cheating, you have to read it lol but it is about vampires and theres some shapeshifting too. *******Minors this book has some inapporiapate parts i strongly advice you to skip this book.

This Book is Part of a Series "Wolf Royalty"
All Books in this Series:
Wolf Princess
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pls write the next book!!!!

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Ugh sorry guys my inspirationinspiration has dwindled and my laptop was stolen so as of right now I can't right anymore but I just got a very good job hopefully so ill have a laptop soon and I'll update promise

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wow i feel completely horrible D: i went through a rough patch and got into another self publishing site but dont worry IMBACK!!!!! and ill start on that second book for you guys actually i think i have some chapters somewhere............im so sorry guys i loves you thou!!!!

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i love this book when is the second one gonna be out i cant wait to read it please let me know when it comes out

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so sorry, ill have parts of it up soon i swear......i didnt even know that it had been two years since ive been on here... >_<

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plz tell me when u write other book

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so sorry, ill have parts of it up soon i swear......i didnt even know that it had been two years since ive been on here... >_<

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