This is a short poem/poetry. I mean real short. Anyways, this was created to introduce another side of fire. Most poetry/poems base fire of of desire, but I thought what if I wrote something that based off of fire trying to love the water. We all know the chance of that is kinda zero, but it's really heart touching. Enjoy!

Fire, A New Perspective, Water
Posts and Comments
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I have felt that fire which makes you love the water. Unfortunately mine has also gone out.
Thank you for writing.

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I have felt that fire which makes you love the water. Unfortunately mine has also gone out.
Thank you for writing.

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I normally don't like or read poetry but I really like this. Its really good, thanks for shareing it with the bookrix comunity. <3

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Pretty good, I don't know if this is what you were going for but I felt rage in every word.

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different certanly
I thought this was a good idea
and liked it very much.

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very nicely done. and something i can soooo much relate to as most parts hit a nerve.

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