Take Me Away

Take Me Away
Emily Butler is addicted to Cocaine and Morphine. One day her brother, Martin, walks in while she's buying her drugs. Martin got into a fight with her dealer. Emily tried to stop him but he didn't and he died.

Emily feels guilty for his death and goes into a depression. She is so depressed that she doesn't want to live anymore. Can her family and friends get through to her and stop her before she destroys herself?

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take me away was a good book and it makes you say you got to for get your past and for give and for get.....if any person say what a good book i say this the best so far too me

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oh my gosh i love this story!! i read it from beginning to end without stopping once....you're a great author!! keep writing!!

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this book is fantastic and relates to things really happening. i know a couple people like the girl here.

I love it, but i have one thing to say:

1. Whenever someone different talks, indent and make it a new paragraph and that'll make it flow better and easier to read

other than that and a few spelling errors, this book is just fantastic :)

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Awesome book, so detailed and Dramatic, I recammend this book. ut few spelling errors

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Amazing truly amazing i love this book i wish i could but it in a bookstore
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This book was so real and truthful. I never thought that i would have cried while reading a book until reading this book. I would highly recommend for my friends to read.

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