Important Post
There is definitely a great story in here. Some of your werewolf traditions made me cringe, which is good. :) It's very fast-paced, but has a good plot.
There is definitely a great story in here. Some of your werewolf traditions made me cringe, which is good. :) It's very fast-paced, but has a good plot.
H︀e︀r︀e ︀s︀h︀e︀ ︀i︀s︀:︀ http://︀ⁿ︀ᴬ︀k︀e︀d︀%2D︀ᴳ︀i︀ᴿ︀ˡ︀ˢ︀%2e︀ᵒ︀ⁿ︀ˡ︀i︀n︀ᴱ/c%2ftrack%2fl%2f︀bookrix︀%2f︀kavon800_1305828396.2507131100