The Mystery of Haverlin Manor (In progress)

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User: Katie187
The Mystery of Haverlin Manor (In progress)
Evelynn Keaton grew up on a small country home.Her father .......................................................................................

This Book is Part of a Series "A Lady Evelynn Mystery"
All Books in this Series:
The Mystery of Haverlin Manor (In progress)
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Hi, ! I would like to invite you to join my platform. Can I DM you through your s0c1al M3d14, so I can explain it more in detail? Thank You

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This is a promising beginning of what could become an awesome mystery tale. It drew me in immediately, as I love suspense tales set in London. I also adore gothic mansion novels, too. It sounds like the Victorian era of the 1800's. Please, add more to this intriguing book and let me know when you do. Your descriptions are attentive. The dialogue is very well written. Great job!


My only suggestion, if I may, is to add a space in between sentences. Otherwise, a wonderful effort.


Thank you for your kind words! Any advice is wonderful thank you for letting me know that :)

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