
When Allison was younger her family was attacked by a pack north of their territory. Her mother, father, and sister all died, while Allison suffered and almost died but survived. One day out of the blue she passes the boarder on accident and Ace the new Alpha of the pack finds out that their mates. Being around the pack sends memories of her awful pass and pain through her scars. Will she go through the pain just to be with Ace or will all this pain suffocate her.

(i'm bad at descriptions, THE BOOK IS WAY BETTER!)

pain, memories, mates, fate, love, werewolf
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R.E. Cooper

So I'm going to take a wild guess. I bet that Ace's dad had some weird special knife or a spell on it, so that when he cut Allison, she couldn't be near Ace. Because every time she is near him it begins to grow in pain. Even 13 years laters!

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pdate plz because it seems like its only getting started and i wish there was more to read

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Deleted User

This book looks interesting...

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