
The life of a werewolf By:
User: leynav
Part One The life of a werewolf is not as easy as it seems. Not all werewolves are born with the curse.

Marie is a small girl that everyone picks on. She is quiet and shy. She doesn't talk at all. Not even if the teachers call on her. Oddly enough though her grades are stait A's. No one knows her story. It is said that her family is dead or that she killed them, but no one knows for sure.

This Book is Part of a Series "Marie's Story"
All Books in this Series:
The life of a werewolf
werewolf, fantasy, fiction
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this was a great book keep on writing

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Hey i loved it and all but when you make part 2 make it longer either way thumbs up!

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I am writing part 2, and hope to have it out sometime soon. A lot is going on right now, but as soon as I can I will update this and/or post some of part 2. Glad you all like it! Thank you!


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