Important Post
Great start, keep going.....I trust this will be a good one when you are finished, NEVER give up
its the year 1983 when rock n roll was at its powerfulest, Jack has a crush on the undercovercop thats only their becouse of a crime from two very dirty cops did that jack has witnessted, they must be stoped! in fear for his high school stoner life he must find a way to save the day, at the same time staying blazzed all day... read and you can find out how FUNNY and how things work out for this bad boy.
Great start, keep going.....I trust this will be a good one when you are finished, NEVER give up
<3 ➮ ︀➥ http://︀i︀n︀t︀i︀m︀c︀o︀n︀t︀a︀c︀t︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀p︀r︀o︀f︀i︀l︀e︀kagelynn_1301529039.8725070953