Falling For You

User: K LIME
Falling For You
Krissy is just a young teen in high school. 11th grade to be exact. She's never had a normal life. Her dad died when she was 4 and her mom remarried when she was 14. Her step dad treats her like shit and her mom dies when she is 15. Her step dad had beaten her at home and her step sister wants to kill her. What happens when the street fighter emo falls for the ex wrestler teacher? What if what she thought she knew was a lie? What if, she was the only thing standing between her world and chaos? Can she survive her lifestyle and forgive the ones who have hurt her, or will she fall at the hands of evil?

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Deleted User

love the book just add it to my favorite

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Deleted User

i loved it although i think you should add the honeymoon part to it


i want to its just i ran out of ideas


put in that they have a hybrid baby half of what they are


Ooooh...I like that

Karabo Mashigo

Loved your book! Incredible really.

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