Life - Generation

Book 2 - Completed By:
User: K. Green
Life - Generation

Even with the most powerful parents, it's not easy. You don't know what the life will give or show you.

Alec and Jessica are twins, connected differently than other wolves or mates. What will happen when the life decide to give the biggest challenge? To live with the enemy, so you can save your brother and his mate?

Would Jessica you turn against her own pack, because her mate is one of the biggest enemies of her family?

We would never know that...




Intimidate me now - New story, new characters, new journey. Check it out!

This Book is Part of a Series "Life"
All Books in this Series:
Book 1 - Completed
Life - Generation
Book 2 - Completed
Posts and Comments
Important Post

I did not see that ending coming at all...great job!!!

1 Comment
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Important Post

Great story great ending a bit sad. But FANTASTIC BOOK... Great job☺

K. Green

Yeah I am kinda fan of the happy ending too, but i needed some change. Don't forget that they'll be together in Heaven :p!


Thats true ☺ realy was a great story

K. Green

Right now i am working on new one. I am not sure when i'll release it, tho. I have it ready on my native language. The translation starts! :p

Important Post

It is so good please hurry up and finish it.

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