Cinderella my way

Cinderella my way
This is just your average Cinderella story, with my own way. The people look the same as Walt Disney's illustrations, but different names.

This Book is Part of a Series "Fairy Tales my way"
All Books in this Series:
Cinderella my way
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Important Post

I love fairytale adaptations! Yours really interested me. It shifted slightly from the original story, but not so much that I could see the resemblance. I liked the 1st person view you took, and the setting intrigued me. I wish you would write more so I can figure out more about the setting. It seems as if it is in the future, and if so, I think you could create a really cool spin on this!

Anju Maaka

thank u for the nice comment. unfortunatly i wont b able to update for a long time cuz of school family and stuff like that. maybe u can check out my friends books while u wait

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