
Like so many people, Varian had questions about life after death. He also had a life that was not exactly thrilling. But one day, the Chaos Theory stumbled in and changed everything...


To John Laird, whose list of trivia contained something that caught my imagination, tied it to an office chair, and wouldn't let it go until it ha com up with a story to make that "something" a bit more memorable.


Never did get the dishes done today...

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J.C. Laird

Unbelievable. You took a piece of trivia, sat down, and in one day wrote an entertaining and imaginative 3,000 word short story. I think you've found a new calling. What amazing lengths people will go to get out of doing the laundry....

1 Comment

Okay, I'm still wiping coffee off my computer screen - remind me never to read responses from you while I'm drinking something! You are hilarious! And thank you for the kind comment. know, I think I can use that laundry observation in a story...

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