Kiss My Alpha

Kiss My Alpha

To be honest, this story started as a rant. I was so over the non-stop parade of worn-out, cliche-filled "books" about werewolves, that when I found myself reading yet another one (because the title didn't give that salient little fact away), I think I snapped. I waxed sarcastic. I fumed. I wrote.

Translation of above paragraph: Don't take this story too seriously. It's me in snide-mode.


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Deleted User

Strange, this is a weird type of werewolf story, never really read anything like this! I like it, can you make more? Please?


Thank you so much! I got sidetracked with some other stuff, but promise to get back to this soon. I'll let you know when more is posted. ')

Deleted User

Your welcome, take your time, I have other books to entertain me while you write! XD

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