Forger chapter 1-3

in progress. By:
User: vexadiem
Forger chapter 1-3
Forgers, men with the power to create and shape metal to their will have scattered across the world ever since the year of the argent flame.

Bewitchers, women bearing a curse plague the forgers into immense pain whenever they use the power.

47 years after the year of the argent flame, Axev, a young man with a passion for forging falls under the curse. He seeks to lift it but fate pulls its tangled strings and drags him along broken roads and splitting paths.

Forger, poet, blade, bewitch, Faith, Mied, fantasy
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If the book is a PDF upload like this one, all you need to do is hover your mouse near the top of the page and then click on the Magnifying Glass button.

If the book is a regularly created BookRix format book, you can just zoom in your screen using Control and +.

I hope that helps!

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Ah, a poetic novel. Very nice. I really like the feel you put into it as the voice you use is very much like a story teller, yet it still seems to be a poem in some strange way. Nicely done!

However, I do have one or two critiques:

First, the font is a bit small. It hurts my eyes to read. Yikes! Sometimes that can turn people away, even before they read a word of your writing.

But I do LOVE the way you've arranged your words on... Show more

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This was action packed from the beginning....I really hope that you eventually post up another book soon. You have a knack for fantasy and mysterious elements.

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it's still in pdf. that's the background i have when i work with it on ms word. but i have no idea why it always gets tiled when i turn it into pdf though..

i just added a few more of chapter 14. ^.^

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Did you change the cover? Is this book still available for PDF download? Because if it is not PDF, it would be unreadable.
But it looks like it is still PDF, so never mind,
I'm just asking, with a comment- haha.

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I would recommend this book. It's a interesting book. A good fansty adventure book. Nice work

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Your matured writing gives me the hint how as a reader you prefer heavy style of writing. It is not lighter reading but requires tougher veins.

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uhm... you could download it in pdf format and zoom it in... it works for me. :D

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