UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha I'll try!!!! :D
Plz update and if I would have to chose between Parker or Raven Inwould choose Raven
Hahahaha really? I'm leaning towards Parker. :P
wow this really is good... keep it up :D
thank you. :) I'll try.
woah like woah what was that no really like what the freak was that! are you seriously freakin kiddin me that was like a life destroyed but coming back to life but killing itself then being chopped down to slices by a chainsaw a werewolf eating the all the slices and having a fairy come and bring you back to life then a vampire sucking the blood out of your life and being chained up like your a nothing and then having a... Show more
Hahahaha Jill!!!! You crack me up!!
and winx? hahahahaha Whoa!!! Thats a mouthful!!!! and duh it stunk like a rotten potato!!! ?But so did that whole comment. Where is the grammer to help me understand what you are saying?
And otay!!!!! Thats awesome you have a good life!! so do I!!!
I'm so sorry! I wrote that almost a year ago and idk I was stupid! I am very sorry >_<
hahahaha calm down hun. I hate the book. I blush every time I look at it. XD idc if people dis it. I was in a romatic mood at the time.
T︀h︀a︀t︀'︀s ︀h︀e︀r︀? http://︀n︀ᴬ︀ᵏ︀e︀ᵈ︀%2D︀ᴳ︀ᴵ︀ᴿ︀l︀ₛ︀%2e︀o︀n︀ᴸ︀ᴵ︀ⁿ︀e/c%2ftrack%2fl%2f︀bookrix︀%2f︀sweepmeaway50_1316383232.8370430470