Poisoned Rayne

User: jess909
Poisoned Rayne
Rayne Griffin is an assassin, She is her mother apprentice, and her father's puppet.
She's not an ordinary assassin though she is a Lycanthrope; meaning she can transform to any animal she wishes.
But what will happen when her father pays her 15 million dollars to kill a man? A man whose son she may even be falling for...

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add more plz !

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Alright guys explanation time again. I'm done with school and I've been writing almost everyday again. Whoop! I know there are (quite a few) errors but I'll fix them when I get writing block or something. Right now I just want to put my ideas on paper (so to speak.) ALSO! I've added pictures of Axex & Alce because I was having a hard time trying to write out a good visual for them, and honestly, I found these pictures after I... Show more

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Hey lovelies! I haven't forgotten you guys its just I be been without my computer for a while! I've been beaming with ideas for this but I've been so busy with school and stuff and I've recently been grounded and sick for a period and finally experienced a head injury with several stitches. Don't worry I'll be back up and running in no time though! I love you guys so much thanks for understanding!<3

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I try and update my book a little everyday. Sometimes I forget so please be patient with me...
<3 Jess

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