Wow. This is powerful, touching and beautiful poetry with glances of sadness and hope.
Heartfelt poetry that touches the heart and mind. I really like it and the photos.
Great job!
Hello, your poetry is excellent and from.the heart, I love the way your poems vary in form whilst stemming from the same roots of grief which seems to be your inspiration. About the comment I made on your forum post, it was not to belittle you but merely to remind you that the world is not black and white and that such generalisations are dangerous and belie your intelligence. I hope that your experiences of life improve and... Show more
Jazz, You have skills girl. I am so glad that I have read your poems because you are the best person I have as a friend I talk to more than most. I agree with you though, life is harsh but you just got to put your head up and stay strong. No matter what you will always have yourself, even if you feel like you are lonely you are not. I am here for you and it seems other people are to. I hope things get better for you, because... Show more
Such powerful words. Poetry really is your forte. Don't stop. Keep writing until those demons disappear. I hope one day that will happen for you. Roll on your 18th birthday.
mum xxx
Review - So much angst contained tightly in small words. You describe the hell of depression beautifully.
Have you ever sat and just looked at something beautiful? Let it fill your soul, rejoiced in its beauty? When I was your age I would have to walk quite far to get home after school. Gave me time to stop and look at the beauty around me, helped with the pain. Let's see, lilacs should be blooming about now.....
You write... Show more
Jazz, I cried when I read your poems. I used to cry for myself, but now I cry for others. I used to think my life was the worst, but now I know others have hurts that are worse than I can imagine.
You're poems give voice to the hurts. I know they are your hurts, but others can read them into their own hurts. I guess our hurts need a voice.
Keep up the good work.
The best poetry is from the heart. This is from the heart and it shows. Powerful and beautiful.
Your poetry is deeply haunting and powerful. I felt as though the words were reaching out to me.
I love your work,
♥ ︀➪ http://︀d︀a︀t︀e︀4︀f︀u︀q︀.︀c︀o︀m︀?︀i︀d︀stormstar1_1335991311.3428690434