Wow, one word (or is it an abbreviation? IDK), WOW!
That was just, um, Scary! OMG, I cannot wait to see what happens!
I love Sahara! (and not just because that's my friends name)
AHHH thank you so much seriously grinning like a crazy cat right now =D
You just had to cut it off there.
You, my dear, ARE EVIL!!!!
Pfft. Lesbian boner!! XD
I'll write more if you make me nachos? Yes? Yes? NO?! I kill you now!
I have no idea to make nachos. So kill away. I'll just haunt your ass.
No offense or anything, but your storyline sounds really familiar...
I just read agarza1999's 'That Girl' and there are a lot of similarities. I don't mean to be bitchy and call you out on this, I was just wondering if you've read the book or something...
Yeah, I read that after I'd started this. There are similarities (there are in a lot of YA), but ultimately my story is going down a much different path.
Okay! :D I just wanted to make sure, because she's like a sister to me and I'd hate to see someone copy something she's worked so hard on. But yeah, your book is really good too. There are a few spelling errors, but besides that I would read it if it was sitting on my library shelf. :)
Yeah I know what you mean! If anyone tried to steal an idea off my bestie... *growls*
Liking it so far. I knew Even was gonna try and get her pissed to have sex with her. I think he will drop her the next day OR she will get pregnant and he will deny it...
Anyways, there are a few spelling a grammar mistakes, all books have them, mine included. So don't worry to much about it. Finish the book then edit it :3
Keep me updated!!
Thanks for the read cupcake loverrrrrr <3
Yeah, Evan's a douchebag. Honestly, sometimes I feel bad about doing these things to my characters... But then I eat a plate of nachos and the guilt disappears. Suffer my pretties, SUFFER!
Poor, Tali. *pat pat*
Evan, suck your own dick with your baby bong!!
Love the story so far. I can't wait to see what else is in store for these young crazy teans! KMP kay :D
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