The Diary That Wrote Back

The Diary That Wrote Back
A boy shares his thoughts in a diary, and at first is freaked out when he finds the diary writing back. However, it turns out to be the friend he never had. Or did it?

Diary, Journal, Humor, Funny, Twist
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The ending was so funny! I also liked the topics. I actually wrote a school paper on tchnology called, Technology: Loss or Gain. So I enjoyed some of your viewpoints on todays technologies. Cool book!

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Really Funny Book

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Very good. Its one of the only diaries in this contest I read to the end. That's probably because it's short but anyway its really good. I like the idea that a diary writes back. It would make writing a diary much more fun. I just have 3 things to say;

1. I didn't understand the ending
2. Didn't JK Rowling come up with the idea of a diary writing back
3. do you have a blog? if so I'd love to read it. :D

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To answer your questions yes I know there was a diary that wrote back in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. When I realized that I wanted to do something a little different, hence the ending. The idea was that he knew his sister was snooping around and wrote the diary... Show more

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TOTALLY cool! Once I started reading I couldn't stop! Excellent! The interchange was priceless.

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Yours is the first entry I have read that I smiled at all the way through. You kept my interest, I was not bored, and I loved the ending. You did a perfect job and I am delighted to give you a well deserved vote. Very good job indeed.

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You have my vote a very original entry liked the surprise ending. Serena

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