A Desperate Time

A Desperate Time
The writer sat at his desk. His fingers frozen to the pencil;the lead pressed to a blank page. So, what did the writer's wife do? Could she save him?

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A whimsical fantasy that I'm so glad I didn't miss, I loved it. Oh dear, and it was published in 2011. Just goes to prove the adage, 'better late than never'.

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This story gives great meaning to the saying, "Food For Thought." I often find it difficult to write anything, at until my tummy is full.:)

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Book was just okay.

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I really enjoyed this one as well, thanks!

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Deleted User

Really good! I love it except the ending (It ended thats why) U know kids like me hate it when amazing authors like u end the book.

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Absolutely loved this piece of fantasy. You have a wonderful imagination and way with words. You have my vote.

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You write so poetically. I enjoyed your lovely tale and I voted.

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And good as gold.

Very quick and pleasant reading - and very flattering to those who wield a pen.

Grade A work!

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