
One dark and quiet night there was this man who was slowly walking towards something on a very empty and calm street with a glock 17 in his right hand and a 12 gauge shotgun slung over his shoulder. He was tall dark man who had old clothes on with blood stains on it. People call him "The Mad Dog", because he goes around like a wild dog killing people. It all started when a man and and his gang of a hundred men called the "Bronze Skulls" raped and possibly killed his wife and 3 teenage girls. So he swore to himself that he would not rest till he has killed all the 100 gang members of the "Bronze Skulls" and there leader "The Gamble..

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?_ebook-jacob-welch-gone

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This could have been a really good story....needs completed!!!

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?rd72e92122f4e45_1448894345.8872890472

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the story is amazing, but you left us hanging,, please please please update!!!


ok i will i promise


dont break ur promise, cuz i will hunt you down.....



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Deleted User

It is really good
you should keep writting!

1 Comment

ok thanks so much i will

Important Post

For when he is thinking to himself why not use these ' and italics? It would be easier for the reader to read it that way... And for when they are normally talking use these " then leave the print normal? Just saying it'd be more writing but a lot easier for the reader to understand

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A girl but i am not saying i am not hurting her again

Jasmine Buffington

who is it pm me


idk one sec

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