each one is interesting and tells a story, but aren't confusing even though they are somewhat abstract. the last two could totally be read to beat music in a candle lit room in the style of John Cooper Clarke's "Evidently Chickentown" (check it out on youtube).
These three drabbles are interesting and intense.
Good writing!
but if I'm correct -great - I thought all three dabbles were intense but that is the nature of psychotic behavior. The first I thought was PTS, the second, Masochism, and the third manic/depressive.
I hope you're only studying these behaviors, not experiencing.
I think this contest was too restrictive. It's impossible to fail at self expression, but I clearly am incapable of writing an appealing...story, or whatever this turned out to be, in this medium. I hope everyone who reads this doesn't lose faith in me and checks out my mystery contest entry, which I have much more faith in, on the 5th of July 2012
I like the concept, but three different perspectives should have thee different voices.
Also in #2, don't censor yourself. If you're going to write something, write it. If you don't want to write it, don't.
You've got a good start here.
At your request I read your drabbles. They were intense, although I am not certain I truly understood what was going on. To be honest, unless I "get" what is happening - as I am sure other readers will agree - I am left hanging. But then again, it might be me -- so I would not be too concerned about what I think.
As I said - intense and filled with "something" - I wish you the best with these.
you got it in one ...umm...three.
That was a startling finish to your start ... in this medium.. good job.
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