The Dreamer Part 4

The Final Chapters By:
User: sppellerd
The Dreamer Part 4
Summer Charard has started her Junior Year of High school and her biggest wish is to have a fun, care-free, popular life. But on her first day back she meets someone who changes her life, Zane VanLouge. Zane's mysterious in a way that fascinates her but the more she gets to know him, the more she see's that he's hiding something, something big. On top of that she starts having crazy dreams that turn out to be real, is getting beat up every which way she turns, has a psychopath guy haunting her dreams, an suspicious new roommate, a bipolar ex-roommate, and is in a bit of a love triangle. Read on to find out what happens when dreams become reality and reality becomes dangerous.

This Book is Part of a Series "Livid Childern"
All Books in this Series:
The Dreamer Part 1
A Livid Children Book
The Dreamer Part 2
A Livid Children Book
The Dreamer Part 3
A Livid Childrens Novel
The Dreamer Part 4
The Final Chapters
Posts and Comments
Important Post

I loved this book it was really good could you please write me to let me know whe the other book is coming out very good book.

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Thanks so much for reading this guys, so much of this wouldn't be possible without you guys. I love you all like you're my family. I can't thank you guys enough, and don't worry, this isn't the actual ending, it's just the ending to book #1. :) The Runaway, Book #2 is coming soon.

Important Post

i really like this awsome nd i liked the ending but the ending is just a begining :) can u please keep me updated about ur other books

Important Post

Oh,my.Well that was unexspected.But I can't wait for the next chapter.

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