
A Short Story By:
Simon, a chess player, meets a beautiful and mysterious woman, Sarah, at a city park. She is also a chess player, but she doesn't play the game for fun; her stakes are a little higher...

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I didn't know much about chess until I read this story and gained a little knowledge on how the game is played...Power, Control, Sell Out or Trade ...some of the odds of Redemption....A very tantalizing story and very well written! Another great one to add to my great book repertoire. Love your work!! :)

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lol! Oh I know it will 95,000 words of greatness! I've written a very steamy erotic novel myself only its 108942 words of lasciviously written excitement for those two high school lovers...It's my first Novel called Elements of Love and I just published it online yesterday...I... Show more

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Deleted User

I wish I had money so I could read the rest of this!

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I was hooked from the first page. :) It was a really good read...and the ending was what surprised me the most. The details in the book made it all the more better, it was a really great book. And the way you worded the book was was really good. Great Job!


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very beautiful indeed!!
the narration was very impressive and the story was exaggeration at's a work of art! :)

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Deleted User

I did NOT see that ending coming. Incredible. I loved it, John! :)

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Review - It is rare in the world of literature when I don't see the ending coming. It is a delight when I'm surprised! Great writing as always. Smooth, entertaining, gripping. Again, this would be a great entry for a contest. Awesome job. Robynn

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The title intrigued me immediately for obvious reasons, John, and then the blurb above sealed the deal. I had to read it.
It's a great cover, and after the fact I can see its relevance to the story inside. You chose well! Pay attention to those eyes, readers.

It's an old story-well, chess is an old game-with a new twist. I kind of figured out by the 29th move what the stakes might actually be. You didn't disappoint me.

Perhaps... Show more

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