My Smuty Collection

Pure smut By:
My Smuty Collection
Warning! This book contains content not for minors to view! This book holds (1)BDS&M (2) Rape (3) Slice and dice sex (Using a knife to induce pleasure from pain) (4) gay&lesbian pairings (5) chains and whips. you have been warned!

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Shht, if you really like erotica, sex and a book to fire you up, and make you wet to the bone, then check it here:
This story will make you tremble to the core!

My Free Kindle: A Little Harmless by Melissa Schroeder Download or read online for free Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless (Harmless Books) 1-8.Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless Pleasure (Harmless #2), Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Obsession (Harmless #3), Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Lie (Harmless #4), Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Addiction (Harmless #5),Melissa Schroeder -A Little Harmless Submission (Harmless #6),Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless Fascination (Harmless #7), Melissa Schroeder - A Little Harmless Fantasy (Harmless #8)
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Why have the books there if it's going to say the book is not available every time I try to download it?!?!

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Very nice! Love it! Kinda wish there was more for the first two stories, I really want to know what happens next XD

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