Earth Sink
Earth Sink is an apocalyptic fiction epic that spans a period of time from before the creation of the earth to the end of days. Earth Sink is politically relevant, spiritually applicable, and technologically visionary.

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Ilyan Kei Lavanway

I appreciate you taking the time to read Earth Sink. Nice to meet you on BookRix. Best regards. - Ilyan

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Important Post
Ilyan Kei Lavanway

In case anyone is interested, Earth Sink is a published paperback book and is making its way into libraries around the United States. Ask your local library to get a copy of it for you. Search it on library database, or type Earth Sink in google search.

Important Post

I have started reading your book and I find it interesting. It is a long book so time is an issue but I will read it during the evenings and as time permits. Is it available as an e-pub format?./joeparente
PS: Thank you for your friendship.

1 Comment
Ilyan Kei Lavanway

Yes, it's availabe as an eBook for $.99 on amazon kindle and Barnes & Noble NOOK. Thanks for reading it.
Best regards.

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